199106, St. Petersburg,Vasilievsky Island,
22nd line, 3 | tel: +7 (812) 331-50-54

108820, Moscow, p. Mosrentgen,
territory of the Mosrentgen plant, building 1.10

Index | Products | Technique and tools for railway construction TEXKOM | Petrol and electric wrenches TEXKOM

Petrol and electric wrenches TEXKOM

Travel wrenches, screwdrivers, screwdrivers, gas wrenches - a group of travel tools designed to tighten and unscrew terminal, mortgage and butt bolts, travel screws, as well as drill holes in sleepers during construction, repair and maintenance of the railway track.

The wrenches are equipped with electric motors - electric screwdrivers or gasoline - gas wrenches (four-stroke or two-stroke) engines. The TEXKOM machine-building plant designed and mass-produces the following track devices: КШГ-42 petrol wrenches, КЩГТ-42 petrol-powered track nut wrenches, screwdrivers electric track "ШВ-24", installations nut screwdrivers track "ШВТ-24" with an electric motor.

TEXKOM gas wrenches have autonomy, high power, speed in operation, and significantly increase labor productivity. Rotational shock with maximum torque and reverse, allows gasoline-powered wrenches to easily “cope” with rusted and frozen old nuts. Gasoline wrenches are widely used in many other sectors of the economy, including in construction, mining and oil industry.

Structurally, screwdrivers can be manual or based on a railway roller trolley (installation of screwdriver track), moved along a rail track. Track-mounted screwdriver units “TEXKOM” are equipped with a spring parallelogram suspension, which takes up most of the weight of the engine and gearbox of the device, greatly facilitating the manual work of the operator, making his work more comfortable and efficient. As a working body, heads for various sizes of nuts, screws and other types of fasteners are used, as well as drills for drilling holes in sleepers.



Керноотборники МЗ ТЕХКОМ при реконструкции КАД

Керноотборники МЗ ТЕХКОМ КО-200 и КО-280 используются при реконструкции Кольцевой автомобильной дороги вокруг г. Санкт-Петербурга (КАД, А118).



Установка колонкового бурения ТЕХКОМ КО-280К при ремонте и строительстве А-121 «Сортавала»

Установка колонкового бурения ТЕХКОМ КО-280К при ремонте и строительстве федеральной автомобильной дороги А-121 «Сортавала».



Дорожно-строительная техника МЗ ТЕХКОМ при строительстве М11

Дорожно-строительная техника МЗ ТЕХКОМ используется при строительстве федеральной трассы М11 (Санкт-Петербург - Москва).



МЗ "ТЕХКОМ" на выставке "BAUMA СТТ-Россия" 2019

Компания МЗ "ТЕХКОМ" приняла участие в выставке "BAUMA СТТ-Россия" 2019, которая прошла в Москве на этой неделе - с 04 по 07 июня в МВЦ «Крокус Экспо». 
